a lecture – performance for the event Subtracted Seduction at HECTOLITRE, Brussels, 1st and 2nd February 2019.
produced and supported by a.pass, at Hectolitre in Brussels, under the title Subtracted Seduction, Pia Louwerens, Eleanor Ivory Weber and me presented our research in a program of perfromances. preparing the event, we recorded our meetings and discussions that share interest in concepts of identity construction, anxiety, non-consensual collaboration, authorship and institutional critique. we invited artist Teresa Cos to listen, edit and mix those recordings which resulted in audio publication to be listened as an introduction to the performances each night of the event.
you can listen the trailer, from the audio-publication here.
Adrijana Gvozdenović, Pia Louwerens and Eleanor Ivory Weber’s individual researches are framed through shared concepts such as anxiety, non-consensual collaboration, authorship and institutional critique. In each of the three approaches, narratives created through these symptoms of the contemporary artist are investigated. The romantic artist is negated and the multi-faceted artist materialises as both instigator and instigated, made up of multiple voices. The three researchers engage with the complexity of being both unnameable and contained in the knowledge-network immanent to the institution.
Gvozdenović, Louwerens and Weber all work with writing and performance. They use notions of script and publication as tools to reveal contexts as partners to the doing and thinking of artistic practice. The institutional is key to their approaches, both as a way to understand what predetermines the performativity of the artwork and in how it relates to issues of authorship. The question is often, “who is voicing?”
The concept of the anarchive as a way to reactivate meaning through revisiting traces is a common process to the three researches. Through either activating authored texts, institutional conditions and/or artistic practice paraphernalia, new iterations appear that re-actualise and re-situate the event. Each variation is always already allied with new subjectivities.
– Lilia Mestre, artistic coordinator of a.pass

for the Subtracted Seduction I created a lecture-performances 7 anxieties and the world that developed into a card-reading, a tool for conversation and a research methodology.
the card-reading has been performed by now on several occasions:
at CIAP in Hasselt, for FairShare: self-publishing as an artistic practice, I presented my publications and artist books and performed with the card-reading publication 7 anxieties and the world ongoing during the fair.

24/06 – 14/07/2019
during the victories over the suns – a.pass Research Centre in residence in gallery Zsenne Art lab in Brussels, working and presenting during the three weeks, to explore publicness of artistic research.
I did on-going practice of card-reading 7 anxieties and the world with invited and interested artists and researchers that contributed to the research with their anxieties and helped this methodology to be developed further.
14/10 – 17/10/2019
at / u GMK (Galerija Miroslav Kraljević), Zagreb;
as part of the program The Hub Between the iliac crest & the pubic bone, facilitated by Marko Gutić Mižimakov / u okviru programa Čvorište Između karličnog grebena i stidne kosti, na poziv Marka Gutića Mižimakova,
7 anxieties & the world – jedan na jedan čitanje iz istoimenog špila
7 anxieties & the world – performans
