— born in 1986 in Titograd, she completed her undergraduate studies in printmaking at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje (2010), followed by postgraduate studies in Brussels (Master in Arts, Luca – University College for Sciences & Arts, 2014) and Antwerp (Advanced Master’s in Art and Design Research, St. Lucas, 2015).

From 2017 to 2020, she was a researcher at a.pass (advanced performance and scenography studies in Brussels) and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, working on the project Archiving Artistic Anxieties, which researches artists’ motivations and ways of resisting (self-)imposed structures in art.

Through her artistic work, she develops rational approaches to question fixed notions of identity and subjectivity, presenting them in their complexity and contradiction. She views art as an expanded field of activity and a mode of knowledge production. Using feminist methodologies, she creates hybrid formats that often involve gatherings and (self-)education.

Her work has been presented at nGbK (Berlin), Kaaistudios (Brussels), tranzit (Bratislava), Whitechapel Gallery (London), ŠKUC Gallery (Ljubljana), SCHUNCK (Heerlen), Glasmoog (Cologne), GMK (Zagreb), CIAP (Hasselt), MuHKA (Antwerp), Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein (Vaduz), and the 54th October Salon (Belgrade).
Her texts have been published in numerous books, journals, and publications such as Strange Attractors (Berlin Biennale), ArchivoltageThe Artist Job Description, and others.
She lives and works in Berlin.

email: adrijana.gvozdenovic@gmail.com
whoisadrianlister.com, betweenanxietyandhope.me, workers’ club, archivingartisticanxieties.me, a.pass

Rođena je 1986. u Titogradu. Završila osnovne umjetničke studije grafike na Fakultetu likovnih umjetnosti na Cetinju (2010), nastavila školovanje u Briselu (Master in Arts, Luca University College for Sciences & Arts, 2014) i u Antverpenu (advanced Master’s in Art and Design Research, St. Lukas, 2015).

Od 2017. do 2020. godine je bila saradnica u istraživačkom centru a.pass (napredne studije performansa i scenografije u Briselu) i na Kraljevskoj akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Antverpenu, sa projektom Arhiviranje umjetničkih anksioznosti koji se bavi motivacijom bavljenja umjetnošću i opiranju (samo)nametnutim strukturama djelovanja.

Kroz svoj umjetnički rad razvija relacione pristupe kojim se mogu preispitati postojeći fiksni pojmovi identiteta i subjektiviteta i predstaviti u svojoj kompleksnosti i kontradiktornosti. Umjetnički rad vidi kao prošireno polje djelovanja i način proizvodnje znanja. Koristeći se feminističkim metologijama, razvija hibridne formate koji često podrzumijevaju okupljanje i (samo)obrazovanje.

Njeni radovi predstavljeni su u nGbk (Berlin), kaaistudios (Brisel), tranzit (Bratislava), Whitechapel Gallery (London), Galerija ŠKUC (Ljubljana), SCHUNCK (Heerlen), Glasmoog (Köln), GMK (Zagreb), CIAP (Hasselt), MuHKA (Antwerp), Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein (Vaduz), i na 54. oktobarskom salonu (Beograd).
Njeni tekstovi objavljeni su u brojnim knjigama i časopisima, kao i u publikacijama kao što su Strange Attractors (Berlinsko bijenale), Archivoltage i The Artist Job Description i mnogim drugim.
Živi i radi u Berlinu.